Philadelphia Airport: The Latest Airport Allowing Non-Travelers to Escort Passengers to the Gate

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Travelcentre US Blog > Travel News > Philadelphia Airport: The Latest Airport Allowing Non-Travelers to Escort Passengers to the Gate

Philadelphia Airport is rolling out the PHL Wingmate Guest Pass to let non-travelers walk friends & family to their gate.

Pittsburgh International Airport became the first to introduce a similar program back in 2017. However, it was suspended sometime later. In 2019, Tampa International Airport also introduced an “All Access program” for non-travelers, but was suspended.

Last month, Orlando International Airport launched a program that allowed a visitor pass to non-travelers. Other airports in Seattle and New Orleans also operate post-security programs for non-ticketed passengers. Therefore, you can expect a string of airports to introduce similar programs in the near future.

According to Philadelphia Airport, The new PHL Wingman Guest Pass, which will launch on November 1st, allows non-travelers without a boarding pass to access Philadelphia Airport’s post-security terminals. The free program will be available daily from 6 AM to 10 PM.

We receive many inquiries from friends and family members looking to escort a passenger to or from their gate,” Megan O’Connell, the airport’s director of marketing and branding, said in a statement. “The Wingmate Guest Pass will help loved ones spend more time with their family members before take-off or create a memorable arrival experience.

If you wish to access the program, you must apply online seven days before you want to visit. Once your request is approved, you will receive a digital Wingmate Pass via email.

People who apply in advance will receive an email with their application status after 12 a.m. on the day they want to visit, while those who apply for same-day entrance will receive an email within 15 minutes with that status.

Do you think other airports should follow Philadelphia Airport’s program, or will it increase difficulty in evaluating passenger/non-passenger volumes at security checkpoints?

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